Jamhuri ya Muungano ya Tanzania

Member of Parliament Profile

Hon. Eng. Hamad Yussuf Masauni













General Information


Education Background

Year Level School Awards
1997 - 2000 Bachelor Degree University of Northumbria, UK, Stamford College, ( Malaysia) B.Eng, Hons, (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2-1)
1996 - 1997 Diploma Stamford College, Malaysia Diploma in Electrical and Electronic
1991 - 1995 Certificate Karume Technical College Full Technician Certificate in Automotive Engineering
1989 - 1990 Secondary School Lumumba Secondary School CSEE
1979 - 1986 Primary School Tumekuja Primary School CPEE
1987 - 1989 Secondary School Hamamni Secondary School -
2004 - 2005 Masters Degree City University, London , UK Masters of Science in Energy Environmental Technology and Economics

Training Background

Year School Awards
0 - 0 Lima, Peru Management of Hydropower, Development and Use (Part II)
0 - 0 Stockholm, Sweeden Management of Hydropower, Development and Use (Part II)
0 - 0 Cairo, Egypt Operations and Maintenance of Electrical Power Sub-Station
0 - 0 Arusha, Tanzania Translating Energy Data into Sustainable Energy Development
0 - 0 Johanesburg ,South Africa Comparative Energy Assessment, Using MESSAGE Model
0 - 0 Khartoum, Sudan Energy Demend Assessment
0 - 0 Arusha, Tanzania ESAMI and SADC Deregulation, Reform and Privatization
0 - 0 Arusha, Tanzania odel for Energy Supply Strategies and General Environmental Impact
0 - 0 Abuja, Nigeria WASP Model for Electricity Power System Expansion Plan
0 - 0 Argonne, illinois. USA Designing Sustainable Energy System
0 - 0 Trieste. Italy Models for Energy Demand Forecast

Electorial History

DP Constituent Term Party Member Type


Title Year
Strategic Analysis- Is the Neuclear the Answer to Tanzania's Ailing Electricity Market 2008
Meeting National Needs through and Integrayed Regional Approach 2006
Involvement of Private Sector in generation, transmission and distribution 2006
The Future Security of Tanzania's Electricity Supply 2005
Country Report:Analysis of Energy Demand Forecast in Tanzania 2000-2025 2003
Tanzania's Power System Expansion Planning Study 2004
Assessments of the Tanzania's Neuclear Power Potential 2006


# Duration Position Name
1 2015 - 2018 Member Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Committee
2 2013 - 2015 Member of the Committee Foreign Affairs Committee
3 2011 - Todate Member of the Committee of PAP Committee on Transport, Energy, Communication, Industry, Science and Technology of Pan African Parliment
4 2010 - 2013 Member of the Committee Lands, Natural Resources and Environment Committee of the Parliament


# Duration Position Name
1 2016 - 2020 Deputy Minister Ministry of Home Affairs
2 2021 - 2022 Deputy Minister Ministry of Finance and Planning
3 2020 - 2025 Member of Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
4 2022 - To date Minister Ministry of Home Affairs

Other institutions

# Duration Position Name
1 2014 - 2014 Member African Union Election Observers to South Africa, 2014 General Election
2 2014 - 2014 Member Constituent Assembly
3 2013 - 2013 Member African Union Election Observers to Swaziland, 2013 General Election
4 2010 - 2015 Member of the Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
5 2010 - 2015 Member of the Pan African Parliament Pan African Parliament (PAP)
6 2015 - 2020 Member of the Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
7 2012 - 2012 Member African Union Election Observers to Sierra Leone, 2012 General Election
8 2014 - 2014 Vice Chairman of Committee Number 11 Constituent Assembly

Political Institution

# Duration Position Name
1 2008 - 2010 National Chairman of CCM Youth Wing Chama cha Mapinduzi
2 2007 - Todate Member of the National Executive Committee Chama cha Mapinduzi
3 2013 - Todate Member of the Board of Trustees of CCM Youth Wing Chama cha Mapinduzi
4 2012 - Todate Member of Central Committee/ General Council of CCM Parents Wing Chama cha Mapinduzi
5 2012 - Todate Department of Politics and International Relations (Special Commitee of NEC-Zanzibar) Chama cha Mapinduzi
6 2008 - 2010 Member of the Central Committee Chama cha Mapinduzi

Contribution / Questions and Answers

  • Made a total of 19 contributions.
  • Answered 234 Primary Questions
  • Answered 400 Supplementary Questions
  • Answered 2 additional Questions to the prime minister

Work Expirience

Year Position Organization
0 - 0 Acting Commissioner for Electricity Ministry of Energy and Minerals
2003 - 2009 Executive Engineer Ministry of Energy and Minerals
2010 - 2014 Member of the Board of Directors BP/Puma Energy Tanzania Limited
2015 - 2015 Member of the Board of Directors National Development Cooperation
2006 - 2009 Project Coordinator Project for Strengthening Planning Capability for AFRA Member State
2003 - 2009 Member Project for Sustainable Energy Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
2005 - 2009 Member Standing Committee of Implementation of East African Power System Master Plan
2006 - 2009 Member Committee for Formulation of National Neuclear Technology Policy