Jamhuri ya Muungano ya Tanzania

Member of Parliament Profile

Hon. Dennis Lazaro Londo













General Information

Education Background

Year Level School Awards
2009 - 2011 Professional Degree Haaga University of Applied Sciences, Finland Postgraduate Degree in Vocational Pedagogy and Education
2006 - 2008 Masters Degree Aalborg University, Denmark MSc. in Development and International Relations
2007 - 2008 Masters Degree University of Gothenburg, Sweden MSc.In international Social Work
2003 - 2005 Bachelor Degree Laurea University of Applied Science, Finland Bachelor of Social Services
2000 - 2002 Diploma Kuru College of Forestry, Finland Diploma Certificate in Forestry and Environment Management
1991 - 1995 Secondary School Kigurunyembe Secondary School CSEE
1984 - 1990 Primary School Mafinga Primary school CPEE
1997 - 1999 Secondary School JItegemee High School ACSEE
2012 - 2021 PhD Easten Finland University, Finland Ongoing

Training Background

Year School Awards

Electorial History

DP Constituent Term Party Member Type
Mikumi 2020 - 2020 CCM


Title Year
The Role of trust in Confidence building Between Diaspora and Home state Presented at Berlin Phd Summer school in Social Sciences :Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)Germany 2012 2012
Transnational Migration and Global Development :Presented at Bergen summer Research School- University of Bergen-Norway 2012
Transnational Social Question Implications for Concepts and Methods: Presented at Bielefeld University -Germany 2012
when the finish Equality in Higher Learning Education meets Unequal Reality :Immigration and Integration policy from International Student Perspective: Paper presented in Civil participation& youth with diverse ethnic background in urban context:Roskilde 2012
Transnational Engagement for Countries 'of Origin Development From Gender and Perspectives Paper Presented in Nordic-Arab Network of research on Women's Empowerment, Gender and Policy (WEP ) 2010
Transnational Education and the Immigration and Integration Policy: From International students Perceptive : Paper presented in the ETMU DAYS: Negation the local and Global: Values, Citizenship and Education: University of Oulu-Oulu,FInland 2010

Political Institution

# Duration Position Name
1 2002 - 2005 Secretary Founder Member and CCM Secretary (Finland Branch)
2 1994 - 1998 Secretary - CCM Youth Wing Mafiga Ward Chama Cha Mapinduzi


# Duration Position Name
1 2021 - 2023 Member Administration and Local Governments Affairs Committee

Other institutions

# Duration Position Name
1 2006 - 2007 President of the Student Association at the Center for International Affairs of the University of Aalborg(DIRES)-Denmark
2 2020 - 2025 Member of Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
3 2009 - 2012 Vice -Chairman Tanzania Friendship Association
4 2012 - 2013 Chairman of Finland Tanzania Friendship Association
5 2012 - 2013 Board Member Member of Board of Directors for Finland National Networks for Immigrants Association (MONIHELI)

Contribution / Questions and Answers

  • Made a total of 30 contributions.
  • Asked 18 Primary Questions.
  • Asked 57 Supplementary Questions

Work Expirience

Year Position Organization
2013 - 2016 Technical Advisor on Alternative Development Policies International Cooperation for Cambodia
2009 - 2013 Lecturer in Social Services Degree Programme DIAK University of Applied Science in Social Services Degree Programme
2018 - 2020 Coordinator for Civil Societies Ogranisation President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government
2016 - 2018 District Executive Director President's Office Reginal Administration and Local Government
2004 - 2009 Social Services Immigrants Department, Finland (on contracts) City of Espoo