Jamhuri ya Muungano ya Tanzania

Member of Parliament Profile

Hon. Boniphace Mwita Getere













General Information


Education Background

Year Level School Awards
1974 - 1981 Primary School Iramba Primary School CPEE
1982 - 1985 Secondary School Arusha Meru Secondary School CSEE
2006 - 2008 Diploma Institute of Rural Development Planning Diploma
2008 - 2011 Bachelor Degree Institute of Rural Development Planning BDEM
2002 - 2003 Certificate Hombolo Administration
2002 - 2003 Certificate Sweden Human Rights and Good Governanve
2009 - 2011 Bachelor Degree Institute of Rural Development Planning - Mipango Bachelor Degree

Training Background

Year School Awards

Electorial History

DP Constituent Term Party Member Type
Bunda 2015 - 2020 CCM
Bunda 2020 - 2025 CCM


Title Year

Other institutions

# Duration Position Name
1 2010 - 2011 President of MISO-IRDP Institute of Rural Development and Planning(IRDP)-Dodoma
2 2015 - 2020 Member of the Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
3 2020 - 2025 Member of Parliament Parliament of Tanzania

Political Institution

# Duration Position Name
1 2007 - 2020 Member-General Meeting Chama cha Mapinduzi
2 2012 - 2020 Member-National Executive Council Chama cha Mapinduzi


# Duration Position Name
1 2002 - 2007 Member-General Meeting Chama cha Mapinduzi


# Duration Position Name
1 2015 - 2018 Member Social Development and Services Committee
2 2021 - 2023 Member Industries, Trade and Environment Committee

Contribution / Questions and Answers

  • Made a total of 68 contributions.
  • Asked 37 Primary Questions.
  • Asked 120 Supplementary Questions

Work Expirience

Year Position Organization
1996 - 2011 Ward Executive Local Government-Bunda
2011 - 2015 Enviromental officer Local Government-Bunda
2015 - 2020 Member of Parliament Parliament of Tanzania
1992 - 1993 Branch Secretary Bunda.-Member of the County Executive Council. Chama Cha Mapindunzi
1993 - 2002 Member of the Distric and Provincial Excutive Council.- Member of the Distric and Provicial Youth Council. Chama Cha Mapinduzi
2002 - 2012 Member of the General Assembly CCM National, Member of the Distric and Region Political Commotteer Chama Cha Mapinduzi
2012 - 2017 Member of the CCM National Executive Council Chama Cha Mapinduzi